Tim Pomeroy: Book
In ‘making the blind granite see again’ Tim has arrived at a conjunction of hand, thought and emotion that gives to the ancient notion of the sacred a profoundly contemporary form. Nicholas Usherwood
David Bell’s forward and Nicholas Usherwood’s essay plot the young Pomeroy’s route from Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen to his smallholding and studio on Arran. In his encounters with the Army on the streets of Belfast, in the disguise he assumes to find a gallery and in his youthful and continuing collusion with weaponry and war, it’s a story of original thinking and prolific and hard graft – of working til fingers bleed.
Working in marble, granite, sandstone and wood, Pomeroy’s beautifully carved and polished work is a paean to sacred forms and natural wonders. It’s a measure too of his unflinching determination to learn and master the skills needed. His font for St Andrew’s Cathedral comes from six months of learning the stonemason’s craft and, like the fountain for Provand’s Lordship in Glasgow, is distinctly hisin form and thought: fresh ideas laid on timeless beauty.
Pomeroy’s work appears in the National Museum of Scotland. Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery, the Devonshire collection at Chatsworth House and the Wellington Collection, and in public and private collections at home and abroad. This book illustrates early works, including work on canvas, and beautiful photographs of sculpture and carvings from 2004 to 2021.
- Hardcover
- 200 pages
- Printed in UK
- ISBN 9781838472641
£30 + £3.85 UK mainland postage.
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